Description of a picture
Useful expressions
In this sheet of paper /three photos can be seen. Ezen a paprlapon hrom fnykp lthat.
/there are two pictures. kt kp van.
In the first picture the whole scene seems to be taking place at a railway station. Az els kpen gy tnik, az egsz jelenet egy vastllomson jtszdik.
In this photo the whole scene is taking place in nature. Ezen a fnykpen az egsz jelenet a termszetben jtszdik.
...can be seen ...lthat In this picture several endangered species can be seen.
...can be found ...tallhat A large number of famous sights can be found in London.
This picture is very funny/ strange because... Ez a kp nagyon vicces/ klns, mert...
The atmosphere of this picture is pretty jolly/ rather depressing. Ennek a kpnek a hangulata nagyon vidm/ meglehetsen lehangol.
As I can see... Amint ltom... As I can see they are having breakfast now.
As you can see... Amint lt(hat)od... As you can see these people are wearing formal clothes.
to be about to V1 kszl vmit megtenni As I can see he is about to leave home.
This photo must have been taken a long time ago. I think so because... Ez a fnykp bizonyra rgen kszlt. Azrt gondolom gy, mert...
I think this photo was taken long ago because... Szerintem ez a fnykp rgen kszlt, mert...
must „bizonyra...” Jelen: V1 They must be students because they are sitting in a classroom .
may „lehet, hogy... Your friend may join us. He may be doing his homework at the moment. They may have missed the train.
seem(s) „gy tnik...” The young girl in this picture seems to be very happy. He seems to be sleeping now. They seem to have lost their way.
I think... Azt gondolom/ hiszem...
I suppose... Felttelezem...
he is in his early twenties a hszas veinek elejn jr
she is in her mid(dle) twenties hszas veinek kzepn jr
they are in their late twenties hszas veiknek vgn jrnak
He seems to be very young for his ages. Nagyon fiatalnak tnik a korhoz kpest.
She looks very fit and youngish. Nagyon egszsgesnek s fiatalosnak tnik.
It is a neatly-furnished room. Ez egy zlsesen bebtorozott szoba.
The antique pieces of furniture give warm atmosphere to the place. Az antik btorok meleg lgkrt biztostanak a hely(isg)nek.
This office is furnished with /modern furniture. Ez az iroda modern btorokkal van bebtorozva.
/period antik
The floor of this kitchen is covered with tiles. Ennek a konyhnak a padlja csempvel van befedve.
In this room /there is a round table made of wood with six carved chairs around it.
/I can see a / square glass table
/ a rectangular plastic table
From the hotel room window there is a beautiful view over the surroundings. A hotelszoba ablakbl gynyr kilts nylik a krnykre.
This ancient monument attracts a lot of visitors/ tourists from year to year. Ez a memlk sok ltogatt/ turistt vonz vrl vre.
There are many famous sights and historic monuments in London that are definitely worth seeing. Szmos hres nevezetessg/ ltnival van Londonban, amit felttlenl megri megnzni.
If I had a visitor from abroad, / I would certainly take him on a sightseeing tour. Ha lenne egy klfldi vendgem, mindenkpp elvinnm t vrosnzsre.
/ I would show him around the city and would show him the sights of the city. krbevezetnm t a vroson s megmutatnm neki a vros nevezetessgeit.
Similarities/ Dissimilarities
Each picture can be connected because... Mindegyik kp kapcsolatba hozhat mert...
Both pictures can be connected with juvenile crime. Mindkt kp kapcsolatba hozhat a fiatalkori bnzssel.
All the three pictures with (that)... Mindhrom kp azzal, hogy...
There are many similarities/ dissimilarities between these pictures. Sok hasonlsg/ klnbzsg van e kpek kztt.
There is a huge contrast between these pictures (because...). Hatalmas ellentt/ klnbsg van e kpek kztt (mert...).
The contrast between these pictures is that... Az ellentt/ klnbsg e kpek kztt az, hogy...
Conclusion, Personal opinion
This picture is about healthy diet. Ez a kp az egszsges trenddel kapcsolatos.
These pictures are about taking drugs Ezek a kpek a kbtszer-fogyasztssal kapcsolatosak.
The inscription in this picture refers to the latest fashion trend. A felirat ezen a kpen a legjabb divatirnyzatra utal.
This picture reminds me of deforestation. Ez a kp az erdirtsra emlkeztet/ az erdirtst juttatja eszembe.
In my opinion... Vlemnyem szerint...
My personal opinion is that... Szemlyes vlemnyem az, hogy...
I think so because... Azrt gondolom gy, mert...
As for me... Ami engem illet...
I’m sure (of that)... Biztos vagyok abban, hogy...
More precisely to say... Pontosabban mondva...
Frankly/ Honestly to say... =szintn mondva/ szlva...
should/ ought to V1 kellene He should/ ought to give up smoking.
shouldn’t/ oughtn’t to V1 nem kellene She shouldn’t/ oughtn’t to work so much.
It would be advisable for him to V1 Ajnlatos lenne szmra... It would be advisable for him to go in for sports.
If I could afford (to me), I would certainly V1 Ha megengedhetnm (magamnak), n felttlenl... If I could afford to me, I would certainly buy a new, more powerful automatic washing machine.
Not everybody can afford to them to V1 Nem mindenki engedheti meg magnak, hogy... Not everybody can afford to them to travel to England because it’s a question of money.
in the top right hand corner of this picture (ennek a kpnek a jobb fels sarkban)
in the top of this picture (ennek a kpnek a fels rszn)
in the background of this picture (ennek a kpnek a htterben)
in the middle of this picture (ennek a kpnek a kzepn)
in the foreground of this picture (ennek a kpnek az elterben)
in the bottom of this picture (ennek a kpnek az als rszn)
in the bottom left hand corner of this picture (ennek a kpnek a bal als sarkban) |