Reported speech- Függő beszéd
Az angol nyelvben mások szavait, mondatait két módon adhatjuk vissza
1. idézet:
- szó szerint idézünk egy mondatot, ekkor írásban kettőspontot illetve idézőjelet használunk
Tom said: 'I am happy.'
2. függő beszéd:
- mások mondatait, szavait nem szó szerint idézzük
Tom said (that)* he was happy.
*a 'that' használata választható
1. igeidőváltozás
- függő beszéd esetén az eredeti mondat igeideje megváltozik, általában egy igeidőt mozdul a múlt felé.
am/is - was do/does - did will - would
are - were have/has - had can - could
simple present -> simple past
I play football - Tom said (that) he played football.
present continuous -> past continuous
I am playing football - Tom said (that) he was playing football.
simple past -> past perfect
I played football. - Tom said (that) he had played football.
past continuous -> past perfect continuous
I was playing football. - Tom said (that) he had been playing football.
present perfect -> past perfect
I have played football. - Tom said (that) he had played football.
present perfect continuous -> past perfect continuous
I have been playing football - Tom said (that) he had been playing football.
past perfect -> past perfect
I had played football. - Tom said (that) he had played football.
past perfect continuous -> past perfect continuous
I had been playing football. - Tom said (that) he had been playing football.
will -> would
I will play football. - Tom said (that) he would play football.
be going to - was/were going to
I am going to play football. -> Tom said (that) he was going to play football.
2. személyes névmások
- a függő beszéd mondatainak alanya megváltozik, így marad meg a mondat értelme
We are cooking dinner.
They said (that) they were cooking dinner.
I went to school with my grandmother.
He said (that) he went to shool with his grandmother.
3. Időhatározók, helyhatározók
- a függő beszéd egyes időhatározó és helyhatározó szavai megváltoznak, így marad meg a mondat értelme
I played football yesterday.
Tom told me (that) he had played football the day before.
today - that day
yesterday - the day before
tomorrow - the next day
now - then
here - there
this - that
say, tell and ask
- általában ezekkel az igékkel vezethetjük be a függő beszédet. Ezek a mondat főigéi és általában múlt időben szerepelnek.
tell + somebody
Tom told me …
My father told the police that …
Jack said that he was in hospital.
What did you say?
ask somebody to do something
My mother asked me to stay in bed.
The teacher asked the children not to write on the paper.
4. Eldöntendő kérdések:
- eldöntendő kérdések esetében az 'if' vagy a 'whether' segítségével képezzük a függő beszédet:
Have you seen that film.
Susan wanted to know if I had seen the film. or Susan wanted to know whether I had seen the film.
Are you writing a letter?
Tom asked if I was writing a letter. or Tom asked whether I was writing a letter.
5. Mikor nem változik az igeidő?
- nagyon általános cselekvések esetén nem szükséges megváltoztatni az igeidőt függő beszédben
I can drive.
My father told me (that) he can (could) drive.
I love football.
My friend said (that) he loves (loved) football.
6. Feltételes mondatok átalakíthatósága:
- a félreértelmezés elkerülése miatt általában csak az első típusú feltételes mondatokat alakítjuk át függő beszédben:
If I have money, I will buy a car.
Tom said (that) if he had money, he would buy a car.
If I had money, I would buy a car.
Tom said (that) if he had money, he would buy a car.
If I had had money, I would have bought a car.
Tom said (that) if he had had money, he would have bought a car. |